Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education


We respectfully acknowledge

the past and present traditional

owners of this land on which we

are meeting - the Awabakal people.

It is a privilege to be standing on

Awabakal country.

At St Patrick’s Primary School, Wallsend we are continuing to build a strong welcoming presence for all students. We love the richness that comes from a diverse population and we cherish our students as individuals, all with their own sacred story to tell. Our students with Aboriginal heritage are connecting with and helping all of us in this shared community to connect with the Awabakal Country we work, live and breathe on through our many hand-on projects and cultural aspects. Some of these projects include, the Bush Tucker Garden, visits from elders and other Awabakal community members, connections and gatherings with our feeder high schools and weaving and artwork.

We are developing our Aboriginal students’ skills in leadership, public speaking, community projects and Dreaming stories of law and creation. We understand that the continuity of our unique Aboriginal culture, spirituality and connections to this great land needs to be promoted through social justice, historical truth and the voices of our First People.

Through our curriculum, we use the following ways to support all of our students in their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal Education:

  • Acknowledging our traditional custodians of the land: The Awabakal People
  • Promoting understanding of Aboriginal culture and spirituality respectfully in all areas of our curriculum for all students
  • Providing a positive “growth mindset” to nurture our Aboriginal students’ learning, now and in the future
  • Seeing our students as individuals and promoting their interest in their culture and helping to support increasingly deep connections
  • Developing Personalised Plans for our Aboriginal students to provide a firm sense of direction and achievement
  • Maintaining strong support in literacy and numeracy for our Aboriginal students as needed
  • Continuing to have high expectations of our students for their individual learning
  • Growing in strength with our family relationships and community contacts to promote excellence in working partnerships which provide the best possible supports for our children
  • Involving all of our students in activities which promote deep understanding of and respect for our First People
  • Supporting staff to grow in their own knowledge and understanding of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal People
  • Having a cohesive and supportive sense of community which provides a safe and supportive learning environment for our Aboriginal students.

But those who hope in Yahweh will regain their strength, they will sprout wings like eagles, though they run they will not grow weary, though they walk they will never tire. Isaiah 40:31
